Join Us!



WAG relies on dues to run our programs, workshops and classes for adults and children. We also encourage young emerging artists to join us and have special categories for them specifically. Scroll down for options. Thank you for your membership, donations, participation and volunteer work! Your continued support is greatly appreciated!

Your current membership Will run one year from sign-up and payment.

Two ways to join: Join or renew your membership online below, or download the Registration Form here and mail in with your payment.

Reasons to Be a WAG Member

❖ Volunteer to support WAG in an area of interest. All WAG classes and events are supported by volunteers.
❖ Thursday painting: Paint plein air with fellow artists as weather permits.
Participate in an event or enter a WAG show to exhibit and sell your art with a discount on show fees.
❖ Attend and Vote at the Annual Meeting.
❖ Put your art items for sale in the Periwinkle Shop at the WAG building.
❖ Post your artist bio and artwork online.
❖ Access to the WAG Art Library collection.
❖ Participate in art related activities to support the community.
❖ Support scholarships given to local students.
❖ Participate in the WAG Poetry Group.
❖ Sign up for classes and workshops for adults with a discount.
❖ Receive first notice for WAGKids programs.

Membership types:

  • Individual $40, Contributing $60, Sustaining $75, Patron $100.

  • Family (2 people max) $75, Lifetime Family (2 people max) $750 - Lifetime Family membership is exempt from dues hereafter.

  • Young Artist $15 - An individual membership for ages 14-21.

  • Emerging Artists $20 - An individual membership for artists between the ages of 22-28.

  • Lifetime Member $500 - Exempt from dues hereafter.

Online Membership Registration

Welcome (or welcome back!) to our group!

Please choose your registration type and fill out the Registration Form.

If you’d like to make an additional donation, we appreciate you mailing a check to eliminate credit card fees. To donate online, select your Additional Donation before checkout.

Please note that membership fees are non-refundable. Thank you for your support!

Additional Donation

WAG appreciates your personal checks for donations, to eliminate credit card fees. Mail a check to Westport Art Group, P.O. Box 157, Westport Point, MA 02791. Also, please consider WAG while doing your estate planning.

If you would like to make an additional donation online to our group, please select an amount below and add it to your cart prior to checking out. We thank you for your generosity!

Go to your Cart to checkout.

Thank you for your support. WAG is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization. As a non-profit organization, we rely on membership fees and donations from members and friends to support our many activities. Your dues and donations are fully tax deductible. WAG appreciates your personal checks for donations, to eliminate credit card fees. To donate by mail, please send a check to Westport Art Group, P.O. Box 157, Westport, MA 02791. To donate online, please select an Additional Donation above. Also please consider WAG while doing your estate planning.

Gift Memberships are also available
Gift a membership to a friend so they can also enjoy the full benefits of WAG membership. Go to Gift Certificates for details and to order one today. The new membership will be effective immediately!