January 2025

Message from WAG President, Sharon Connors:

The Westport Art Group is in need of volunteers to help keep the Westport Art Group a vibrant and exciting organization.
We have had two long term volunteers who have moved on to other positions within WAG, and we're asking if anyone in the community - or anyone you know would be willing to help us with open positions. We are a small non-profit organization and rely on volunteers to serve the community.

First, each year we give 2 scholarships in the amount of $3,000 each, to South Coast seniors graduating from high school. It's a tradition that the Art Group has continued almost since its formation.
We currently need a
Chair for the Scholarship Committee. This position is fun and interesting. Most of your duties will be clearly outlined for you from the previous Chair, Susan Montgomery. Susan has moved on to another volunteer Board position, but if you are interested and want to know more, you can email her at S.Montgomery@northeastern.edu .

Starting in January with advertising and announcements, we request the students to apply. You receive the applications and set up a portfolio review session with the applicants. The winners are announced at each school's Honors Night. This position is also a member of the WAG Board which meets monthly. 
In addition to the Scholarship Chair volunteer, the Art Group also needs volunteers for the positions of
Adult Education and Youth Education. These positions both report to the Vice President of Education.
The positions require arranging classes, demonstrations, workshops, and with the help of the Exhibits committee, possibly exhibit class work. 
For the Youth Education position, previous art teaching experience would be helpful, but not necessary. This position also helps set up and run the 2 summer art camps for kids, 1 week each, limited to 12 participants. There is a volunteer who actually teaches the camps, she is already in place. 
The Adult Education position works with the VP of Education to arrange for classes, demos and workshops. Many of our teachers are repeat teachers - and they are great!  You will also need to coordinate with the teachers on  the dates for the classes, demos and workshops. 

If you are interested and want more information, please contact our VP of Education, Janet Dubuc at
Come join us, volunteer and play a key role in WAG's future. Thank you.